Special Mention - Gigikins
Rescuing Whiskers
By Gigikins
If I got to live nine lives, I hoped I belonged to her in all of them- and that he was in
none of them.
I watched as she sat in her apartment making weird faces at the mirror. Her hair was
wrapped in large curlers, her elbows rested on her make-shift desk. “Make-shift” as it
was an old chest of drawers her grandmother had gifted her- which she had
converted to a multi-purpose surface. It was her make up station, her dining table
and also where I usually perched my bottom to watch her.
Different brushes were spread across the desk along with two different tubes of
foundation. Because ever since she had gotten a fake tan at the start of summer,
she could no longer find the right shade for her face. That was what she told her
friend Samantha last week, who had called to confirm if brunch was still happening. I
only know this because I was curled up on her lap when this phone call occurred.
She currently had one hand pressed against the mirror to steady it while the other
one tried to curl her eyelash. She definitely couldn’t see what she was doing
because she was too poor to fix her worsening eyesight. Another piece of
information she had divulged to “Sammy” that day.
She always dolled up for him. I preferred her without make up. She was way prettier
without it. She never believed she was beautiful. I preferred her without make up
because mascara tears never ran down her cheeks with a bare face.
“You disapprove of him don’t you? You never liked him.” I heard her say.
I turned my attention to look at her. She was staring at me, her light brown eyes
twinkling as a smile spread across her face. I loved that smile. That smile is how we
got into this predicament. That smile is what distracted me the night it all happened.
“But you do disapprove of everyone Whiskers.” She said lifting me up and stroking
my fur.
That smile, is how I, the greatest sorcerer that ever existed in my timeline ended up
as a pet cat of a twenty year old woman who couldn’t sort her life out even if our
universe depended on it. The only sad thing was in this very instance – it did.
And my name is not Whiskers.